reader mail said...
something has to last forever. how about life?
anonymous said...
what is forever, anyway?
something has to last forever. how about life?
anonymous said...
what is forever, anyway?
reply: forever is a lot of time. if we consider our lifetime as pattern, then we may indeed live forever, and the word loses its never-ending nature. yet, considering the world we live in, our lives are too short. i'm still very young, but i don't believe i will have accomplished everything i wanted to and fulfill all my dreams when death comes to take me away to oblivion. then we don't live forever; au contraire, we have a short life. so we shall really live - we shall fight to make out of our lives something great. after all, i don't believe that in the end any of us wants to "discover that I had not lived".
our sight is so limited by the time of our lives. sure, we should treasure all the great moments and opportunities that pass by but just how much is that significant compared to immortal words and thoughts? shouldn't we worry more about the future? trying to be someone who remains in peoples minds.
time sucks, life is too short we shouldn't be wasting more. in the end we just need to keep moving even if it means consuming the time left.
the same anonymous
anonymous, i totally agree with you! we waste time we don't have. to keep moving, to never give up, it's the most important. we shall never stop. here in my country, they say "to stop means to die". our lives are too short; after them, we can only live through our legacy, through the memories - but that's the immortality the greatest men and women earned.
thank you for reading me! keep leaving such nice comments :)
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