to l.
i tend to believe that me and l. have the most unlikely friendship in the world. and it's not because we are quite different - because if there would be something like "twin souls" in the world, we'd surely fall into that category. she's more like me than my blood sister, note the irony.
we haven't always been the friends we are today. according to some memories (not our own memories, mind you - back then we were too young to have anything that could ressemble a "memory") -, she was the first girl i've ever called my girlfriend, and this in the kindergarden. no, this doesn't mean that even back then i was far ahead of my time. it simply means that i've always had the best taste when it comes to girls, for among so many young ladies i've picked up the cutest one, that little shy blonde girl. anyway. we went to different schools shorly after that, and never talked much in the following years. then we got back together in the same class, and things changed for a while - until we got separated while studying in the same class. it's that funny age, you know, when people get very restricted groups and don't interact much outside them. lasted three years - and after three years, we've discovered each other again. and for other three years, we sat side by side every morning and every evening in the bus that would take us to school, and then back home. we talked. we laughed. we confessed things to each other that we wouldn't tell anyone else (i, for one, never did). we shared a lot about ourselves, now that i think of it.
and it's funny - we reached such a state of empathy that even our feelings and thoughts become somewhat synchronized. i mean, imagine that something happened when we were together - someone said a joke, a bird took a crap into someone's head, anything. the very same thought would then cross both our minds. words were not needed between us then - we just needed to stare into each other's eyes, and we'd know exactly what the other was thinking.
so why is this friendship unlikely? because nowadays, we rarely see each other. okay, allow me to correct that - we see each other once every year - twice, if we were lucky, three times and i start believing in the all mighty god. and we seldom talk as well - with all the modern means of communication that there are out there. we both have cellphones, we both have internet. and we seldom talk. and yet when we meet, we usually escape so some isolated place where we can "smoke the issue", as she usually says, and start an endless converstation. and the best part is, our old empathy remains. that's the most remarkable thing about this friendship, probably the best i've ever had with a girl - our ability to still love each other while spending months after months hearing nothing from each one of us.
that's probably because we're so alike - intellectualy speaking, of course. physically, she's pretty and elegand and quite sensual, while i.... well, let's skip that useless bit. by the way, i said she was my first girlfriend - our mothers confirm that story, none of us remembers -, but the funny part is, we never even kissed each other. hehe.
to l., my best (girl)friend.
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