digging the past (II)
i've been through my old e-mail box today. out of curiosity, that e-mail service is so shitty that the inbox has long since become a spam's nest. anyway. lost in the middle of all the junk, i found old messages that are far from being junk. correspondence with an old teacher, the best teacher i've ever had in my life. talks with an english girl friend of whom i've not heard a word in years. a message from a friend asking where the hell was i, that she had not heard again from me - i never replied, by the way, so she still doesn't know. and an e-mail of a former girlfriend, a sweet one, straight from the heart. my heart froze for a moment when i read it. i could not remember that message anymore. my memory had somehow blocked it, as it blocks many other things, regardless of their importance. i couldn't remember her saying things like that. it was written so long ago, in a moment when nothing was perfect, but when life was definitely sweeter. how sad is to see, now from a great distance, how all that sweetness and love were lost in the storm.
now pushing that surge of nostalgia away...
now pushing that surge of nostalgia away...
You sure needed a weekend off to lighten up =P
To lighten up with all that cold? Small chance =P
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