Suspend, shut down, restart?
The problem is, we cannot go back, we cannot be what we once were, we cannot push a button and reset our life, restoring it to what it used to be. We can change hide pictures or even burn them with painful matches, we can throw away all the mementos of that particular time, or lock them all away in a place meant to be forgotten. We can change the decoration of our room, of our house, so it doesn't remember; we can even change house, move to another city so to avoid walking through places that bring back memories, either good and bad. All that is utterly useless. What changed in our life, so to speak, didn't change our lives: it changed ourselves first, and our lives accordingly. We can always change ourselves, but can never go back. Our experience and our memory keeps us from doing so, even if we try in vain to erase the experience and forget unforgetable memories.
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