Silence might be the way
Sometimes questions, or answers, or mere words, are not needed. More: sometimes words are invasive. If I tell you, for example, about the passing of someone dear to me, I don't expect you to ask me how that happened. I don't expect you to come and tell me the common place that everyone dies, that it was better that way, that he or she will suffer no more. I don't even expect you to try and distract me by talking about the weather, the previous night's football match or the most recent political scandal. Hell: I don't even expect you to say "I'm sorry" or to ask how I am. I only expect silence, for silence sometimes is the only possible answer. I only expect you to listen. Maybe you understand what I mean, and remain silent in respect of what I just said. Or maybe you are clueless about what I meant, but at least do not lack the sensibility to understand that it's something important, and remain silent not to spoil it all with futility. Maybe one can find the right words to say in that very moment, the words that bring light to everything else and make its sense greater in every possible way, but I dare not expecting so much from anyone.
I gave the example of death, since it's the most obvious one. But it's the same if you open your heart to someone (I don't mean as in a romantic affair, mind you). If you say something that, as they say, "comes from the heart". Let's just not ruin it with static and noice - there's no need of that, when silence itself is so beautiful.
I gave the example of death, since it's the most obvious one. But it's the same if you open your heart to someone (I don't mean as in a romantic affair, mind you). If you say something that, as they say, "comes from the heart". Let's just not ruin it with static and noice - there's no need of that, when silence itself is so beautiful.
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