Five years ago, I was starting the third year in college, and I created this blog after watching the movie "Fight Club" in a shady movie session I've arranged at the university's premises. 2005 was an interesting year. I've cemented three friendships which survived the end of university, and everything that happened ever since; three people who are still my best friends. In 2005 I've met someone who'd leave a mark never to be erased. In 2005 my pessimism was a funny mask, one that some people took more seriously than I did, as back then everything seemed bright and hopeful. In 2005 I was twenty years old. 2005 was five years ago, and five years is a lot of time. Anyway. I've been considering putting this blog to rest over the last year, since it has long since stopped being fun, and it's been a long time since the pleasure this blog once gave me is gone; it's way better to write under its shadow. But I've never pulled the trigger. Part of it due to the nostalgia - again, five years is a lot of time - and, in a way, I needed the smoke curtain it would provide. But above all, I like this blog, I like the people that still come here, and I owe it a lot. So it went on up until this day, and I hope I can keep it running.
É verdade, 5 anos é muito tempo e passou tão depressa.
Parabéns por teres mantido o blogue por estes 5 anos e por me dares a oportunidade de ser uma fiel leitora :D hehe
Ora essa, o prazer é meu, por te ter com tempo. Provavelmente serás a única pessoa para além de mim que leu todos os posts deste blogue. Obrigado.
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