A movie to define a generation?
I swear I don't get the hype around The Social Network. I grant it, the movie is rather well written, Jesse Eisenberg delivers a strong performance in the role of Mark Zuckerberg, the movie has good characters and good actors overall, a very nice soundtrack, etc etc. But come on: it ain't the movie. It has been hailed by the critics as "the movie that defines this generation", but that's not even exaggeration, that's just going bananas. A good movie? Oscar-material? Yeah, sure, why not. But a quintessential good movie? No. A movie to redefine anything? Please. Forgive me to say this, but the movie that defines the current generation was on the run last year: Avatar. And before you all bring the torches and the pitchforks to slay this ogre here, listen: I don't mean it because the film is awesome or something, because it isn't (story-wise I admit, it sucks balls). Just think about it for a moment: lush visuals, looking all pretty and all that, fast action cuts, with a so-called message underneath and barely no content holding the pieces together. An extraordinary visual experience, that ain't even real - it's all digital, rendered with a green screen and computer pyrothecnics. Which, ironically enough, is closer to the whole Facebook concept than The Social Network actually is. Want anything else to define the current generation?
A good movie this year? I've not seen the winner of this year, The King's Speech (yet), so I can't really say whether the award was fair or not. From what I've seen, Black Swan would be a good winner - Miss Portman got one of the most deserved Oscars of the last five years (hers, and the performances of Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds in 2009 and maybe of Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler in 2008 were the closest thing I've seen to "perfect acting" in a long while). Although overall, I'd probably pick True Grit out the bunch to give it the golden statue. It's not just because I have a genetic soft spot for westerns, it's because everything just works out perfectly in True Grit: the sets are neat, the performances range from above average to brilliant - really, have you seen Jeff Bridges and the Hailee Steinfeld? Outstanding, that's what they both were -, the screenplay is witty, funny, with the sugar on top brought by the accents. The story is at the same time amusing, sad and heart-warming. Can't ask much more of a movie, really.
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