Talking about war
One hour at the neighbourhood's pub - the old one, the classic one, the one where smokers are still allowed and alcohol flows swift and cheap. One hour for the cheer up. A boring football match on the telly, a loud and slightly non-sense conversation about the war following a loud and slightly non-sense conversation about today's protests. A laugh. Several laughs, a joke about codfish and potatoes in the scenario of an african war in the second half of the last century. On the table next to me, an old man says to himself that the end of the world is nigh. Football. Long discussion on football. Funny discussion on football, but not the game being played. That one is still boring. The game ends (a draw) and they go on - most people discussing football, the old man next to me still saying that the end of the world is near us.
Nothing like listening to other peoples conversations in a lost pub in Lisbon... :) L.
You should have listened to that one yesterday. It's been a while since I've laughed so much.
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