I could have found the appeal of a military career, only I never did. Nowadays it would probably be safer - in all ways - than any other, if what I hear from people I know who joined the army is true. But a military career could never be for me. True, my physical shape, or lack of it, would put me into some private hell, but that's not really the problem. Although most of the people I know who followed the military career are far from being the sharpest tools in the box, they can pull some discipline while there - and from the way I see it, discipline is everything in the military. Now more than the physical capability to do push-ups, I do lack any possible form of discipline. Shall my country ever get into a war, I'll probably have to go and be a grunt there - but I don't think I would rate much above grunt were I to be following the orders of some sergeant for God knows how many months in military drills.
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