a university teacher i had on my first year asked me once to do a small presentation to the class about the reasons why i had chosen to study journalism - and to become one. most of the stuff i said was sheer non-sense, and i wouldn't say it now because now i know better, and in the meantime realised being a journalist isn't as good as i thought it would be. ironically, one of the things i thought it would be merely a romantic dream (in the literary meaning of the word romantinc, mind you) became ral surprisingly fast - travelling. three months as a temporary, unpaid journalist allowed me to visit the riviera twice, and will allow me, just before it is over, to go to malta an italy. those trips were not touristic tours, when one has the time to see everything around and stuff like that, but still - they've represented an unique opportunity to go out, meet new people, taste a bit of different cultures. and more important, those treks allowed me to dream on leaving all this one day, never to return.
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