most of the people who know me believe i don't like to be surprised. this idea comes from something i said once - i would hate to have someone organizing a surprise birthday party for me. and i really would. but that's nothing to do with surprises, rather with the birthday iteself: a silly comemoration when we celebrate that we have one less year to walk on the surface of this planet. anyway, it is widely accepted that the birthday "belongs" to the new-old one. if that's so, then arranging a surprise party means to deny one the basic right we had, of celebrating the day as we wanted, with the people we wanted to have around. not to have someone enlightned picking up some people we would well do without and force their company into our circle. no one ever tried to do this with me though - i have warned some people in several occasions, just in case.
but this doesn't mean i don't like surprises. 'cause actually i do. i really do. some surprises, of course. it's been a while since someone have really surprised me, but i always smile when i think about some things. like that indigo-blue lamp i have in my bedroom, or the way someone dressed so nicely for something trivial a long, long time ago.
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