where's ginny anyway?
all, right, vera, then you shall be named. and our coffee won't be postponed to october's rain, rest assured (what about this weekend? tomorrow night?)
now, miss hermione (lol, this reminds me one of the funniest conversations i've had in the last months - wonder where malfoy is?), here harry potter from escs is wondering, where the hell is my ginny weasley?
and of course i'll read george's martin's books - i've met him, after all, so i have one extra reason to read him (i'm quite curious, actually). will also start reading one of these days robert jordan, marion zimmer-bradley, and would like to know the sci-fi stories doris lessing wrote (even though sci-fi wasn't obviously the reason why she won the nobel prize). but before... i have to read the rest of joan vinge's books. only three left anyway - just need to go and order them, really.
margarida: so you see, you're most welcomed to join us for coffee. but be forewarned: there will be some book smuggling going on under the table.
oh, and by the way: as readers of this blog, you're both invited to write a post (or more, if you feel like it) for it. the idea is, write something that crosses your mind, and mail it to me. i'll publish it will all the credits, and your post will be linked on the guest stars section right there on the right. oh, and i won't take a "no" as answer. :)
Quanto à ginny weasley não sei, mas vi o Malfoy Escsiano há dias na TV. Eu até conheço uma eventual candidata que penso que daria uma boa Ginny... tenho de agendar com o Ron Mafrense um café entre todos!
Para hoje já tenho um jantar semi-combinado com o Ron Mafrense, por isso, temos de voltar a adiar o nosso café =/
George Martin é leitura obrigatória e incontornável para fãs de fantasia (e não só). Quanto ao Jordan ainda é cedo para eu conseguir fazer algum juízo sobre ele; apenas que a primeira experiência a sério a ler um livro em língua inglesa está a correr relativamente bem :D
Beijinhos HP Escsiano ***
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