time lapse (II)
the easiest way of breaking meanings is to place them out of their time. i should know it, for i do it quite often. and in the next days, this blog will be on self-updating mode, automatically posting stuff i've written here over the last three months and never published. some of the texts might be new, yes, providing i have the time and the will to write, but i suppose there is no way to tell the new posts from the former drafts. it's a sort of a stunt. i remember when i studied literature and poetry, and the class was interpreting poems. sad poems. and we'd all say, teacher included, that the poet was sad, angry, in pain, whatever. but was he? how can we know? he could be sad, yes, and wrote that poem with words shaped like tears of his own sadness. but he could also be okay, and feeling like writing about something that had happened before that time. or he could simply be a twisted son of a bitch and wrote sad poems when he was happy, and happy poems when we was sad. i don't know, the possibilities are countless. but i'm writing out of time too. and publishing out of time.
just so you know.
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