Newspapers' articles, blogs, message boards, forums - maybe even tweets, but I have nothing to say or read in only one hundred and forty characters - and it seems almost consensual: Inglourious Basterds is a piece of crap. Never thought that this opinion would be so widespread, especially after reading one of the most famous and full-of-shit portuguese movie critics praising the film as a masterpiece (hell, that guy decimates every movie). Honestly, after reading that essay I thought "gee, if this guy praised the movie, it will win no less than twelve Oscars".
No, it's no better than Reservoir Dogs. But it is still a great movie. Some critics are valid though. For example, many point out that the movie should be more about the Basterds - and while they're right, personally I'm glad it wasn't that way for it got so much more interesting with the story of Shosanna. Others say that there's a lot of bad acting going on there, except for Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa (who if fucking brilliant, of course). But, for god's sake, Brad Pitt (in the picture) is great on that movie as Aldo Raine. It really surprised me to find out so many Pitt's haters on the Internet - thought that was a privilege of Keanu Reeves alone. But hey, some people consider his acting on Twelve Monkeys crappy, so I can't take this seriously. Some also point out the "bad dialogs", as if Tarantino could ever write such thing as "bad dialogs" - give me a break and go watch the movie again. Some also refer the violence, but again, it's Tarantino. I wonder if everyone has forgotten about 1) when Mr. Blonde tortured the cop in Reservoir Dogs; 2) when Vincent Vega blew up the kid's head with a point-blank shot in Pulp Fiction; 3) when Louis Gara shots Melanie out of the blue in Jackie Brown and 4) when Stuntman Mike smacks his car against the girls' car in Death Proof. There are three things that Tarantino never does just for the sake of it: conversations, violence and swearing.
Other than that, I can't really remember many movies with a first scene so powerful as the conversation between Landa and the dairy farmer, with a scene so tense as the pub's killing spree, or with an ending so ironic. If you want to know what I think, some people are saying all that about Tarantino for one reason only: he does what he wants with his movies, and he's got everyone to watch them - and like them. Pretty much the same that happens when a new music band comes up: first only a few listen to it, and it's damn great; when everyone starts listening and enjoying the band's music, many of the old fans get sore because it ain't their exclusive any more and call it crappy music. Oh, wait, there's a more suitable expression: commercial music. It's one of the most ridiculous expressions I know, and I think it fits here perfectly.
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