Four years of thoughts in chaos.
To be absolutely honest, this blog was supposed to be over today, on its fourth birthday. This is an old idea of mine, to put an end to it and start something new. Not that I've given up on that, but it seems - as every project I set my mind into - that it is "temporarily postponed", a brilliant euphemism for "I'm not gonna do it and even if I do I'll fail miserably at it". So probably this blog won't be over in the nearby future, and my new idea will stay in the realm of ideas, where most of my ideas stay anyway, too afraid to see the light. Whatever. Life here is a failure anyway, even though this blog hasn't exactly been a failure over the last four years. It had moments of inactivity and moments of near-orgasmic rush. It was a pleasure for quite a few times, a total boredom now and then, and a royal pain in the ass sometimes. Still. Four years. It's more time than I ever managed to spend with the same girl, for example. So it could be inferred that I'm more successful with blogs than with girls, but hey, let's not dig that hole now. Anyway. Four fucking years here. So many things changed in these last four years. So many people came and went. Even readers. Some of the readers who followed this blog when it started don't do it anymore (not to my knowledge, at least). Some of then started to follow later on. As far as I know, the blog only has one reader from the very start. Most of them I don't know in person, but all the readers I've met in person were absolutely worth meeting. Truth be told, my readers - you - made this blog as well. In a way. Not only by being kind enough to share your thoughts with me so I could publish them, but also by... reading the nonsense I so often put up here. Like this post, for example. So thank you all. Can't promise to be here for four more years, for Andromeda still haunts my mind; but I will be around for a while more, that's for sure, and if I ever decide to move you'll be the first ones to know where I've gone to. Cheers.
To be absolutely honest, this blog was supposed to be over today, on its fourth birthday. This is an old idea of mine, to put an end to it and start something new. Not that I've given up on that, but it seems - as every project I set my mind into - that it is "temporarily postponed", a brilliant euphemism for "I'm not gonna do it and even if I do I'll fail miserably at it". So probably this blog won't be over in the nearby future, and my new idea will stay in the realm of ideas, where most of my ideas stay anyway, too afraid to see the light. Whatever. Life here is a failure anyway, even though this blog hasn't exactly been a failure over the last four years. It had moments of inactivity and moments of near-orgasmic rush. It was a pleasure for quite a few times, a total boredom now and then, and a royal pain in the ass sometimes. Still. Four years. It's more time than I ever managed to spend with the same girl, for example. So it could be inferred that I'm more successful with blogs than with girls, but hey, let's not dig that hole now. Anyway. Four fucking years here. So many things changed in these last four years. So many people came and went. Even readers. Some of the readers who followed this blog when it started don't do it anymore (not to my knowledge, at least). Some of then started to follow later on. As far as I know, the blog only has one reader from the very start. Most of them I don't know in person, but all the readers I've met in person were absolutely worth meeting. Truth be told, my readers - you - made this blog as well. In a way. Not only by being kind enough to share your thoughts with me so I could publish them, but also by... reading the nonsense I so often put up here. Like this post, for example. So thank you all. Can't promise to be here for four more years, for Andromeda still haunts my mind; but I will be around for a while more, that's for sure, and if I ever decide to move you'll be the first ones to know where I've gone to. Cheers.
Parabéns! :D
Digamos que foram quatro anos de tanta coisa. torna-se inevitável ligar este blog à minha vida lisboeta. E se nestes quatro anos tanta coisa mudou na minha vida, frequentar assiduamente este blog não foi uma delas. é engraçado pensar nisso, talvez tenha sido a única coisa que realmente se manteve constante. *
Que assim continue, então. Sabes que nesta casa serás sempre muito bem vinda. Até podes voltar a escrever qualquer coisa, quando quiseres. *
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