Sometimes I'm forced to remember why I hate MTV
Megan Fox starring in the Alien prequel? For fuck's sake, no. A thousand times no. If I was to decide, nothing else would be done with Alien material, being the fourth movie and the Alien vs Predator installments already too much. If Ridley Scott wants to get back to it and make a prequel to Alien - one of the best movies ever, not only within the sci-fi genre, then it might sound not that bad. But please cast real actors. Not that I know Megan Fox's work that well - as a matter of fact, I know her better from the rubbish she keeps talking whenever a journalist is around. And I might be wrong (and if I am, I'll admit it), but she seems to me the perfect stereotype of a sexy woman with a pretty face but nothing where a brain should be. Truth be told, I don't even find her pretty, but that's just me.
So MTV guys, get the fuck out of here. Go back to your shitty tv channel and keep promoting your crappy music, for it's what you do best. Shoo, shoo.
So MTV guys, get the fuck out of here. Go back to your shitty tv channel and keep promoting your crappy music, for it's what you do best. Shoo, shoo.
She's plastic. And pretty dumb and shallow...
If you say so, I do believe... she does seem like that to me: a sort of movie's Lady Gaga, with the same "trigger-happy" mouth but fortunately - for her and for the world - with a better sense of fashion. lol.
Anyway, I didn't dare seeing Transformers. As bit a fan of Sci-fi I might be, I refuse to see plotless movies just for the special effects' sake.
And with so many talented and pretty actresses out there, it can't be that hard to pick one up to try and reach Sigourney Weaver's brilliant acting in Alien. Oh well. I still have faith in Ridley Scott. Hope the old geezer doesn't screw up.
I'm thinking Allison Pill... She would fit the part.
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