Here in Portugal it doesn't make any sense to celebrate the Halloween. I suppose we like to import shit though; we can't possibly care less about our own traditions, but we're all up to borrow some. I don't care much about the traditions, it's true - but I'm happy without them, and I don't feel the urge to bring something that might fill a void I've never felt in the first place. Anyway. This time, I've been seeing and hearing about zombies pretty much every-fucking-where. Which is awesome - somehow I was afraid that everyone would be talking about sparking, vegan gay vampires that prefer to drool after some bore of a teenage girl than to suck her veins dry, but then I remembered that Twilight's so-called vampires are not scary at all - they're just gay and boring, so they wouldn't fit a Halloween celebration (sorry, girls). Zombies are fashionable this season. It's cool. Zombies are cool. Especially with a shotgun. Ah, the Resident Evil nights after all the lights were out. Pump-action! No - hell, no, not what you're thinking, come on. Everyone geek enough knows that a 12-gauge, pump-action shotgun is the best weapon ever in a zombie holocaust - forget Magnums, grenades, flamethrowers, machine guns and shit alike: when it comes to zombies, the shotgun is the real deal. The point is - this is supposed to have a point, right? -, one doesn't need the Hall-fucking-ween to bring the zombies back (just as one doesn't - shouldn't - need Christmas to gather the family around the table, or just as one doesn't need the Day of the Dead to pay the local graveyard a visit). But I'm digressing between brackets, and you shouldn't let me digress between brackets, and, even more important than that, you shouldn't let me digress when I'm already digressing, even if I'm digressing about digressions. Anyway, back to the point again, zombies are cool, and one doesn't need Halloween for them. This was it. Braaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a-a-a-a-ains!
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