10 things i hate about christmas (X)
10) christmas gifts. and no, i'm not a greedy person. and i do like to offer gifts. and to receive gifts. but not by any so-called "special ocasion". i like when i'm wandering around somewhere and i see something and i think "(s)he would like this". and i buy it, and i offer it to that person, just for the sake of it. because i remember that person, because he or she is important to me. whatever. i don't like to feel like i have to do something. nor do i like to know that someone feels that way. i remember one of the best gifts i've ever had, it was apparently so meaningless - but it was special because my friend knew i'd like it, and bought it for me just for the hell of it. it wasn't christmas, it wasn't my birthday. it was a day just like any other. and she just gave me something without expecting anything back in return. that's a gift. that, along with her friendship, is a true gift.
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